Enhancing Lives Through Music Services

Enhancing Lives Through Music Services

Enhancing Lives Through Music Services 

Do you have a child who recently graduated high school or aged out of their school-based music therapy services? Are you homeschooling or have a school-age child or preschooler who is now learning remotely? Maybe you are looking for a music experience to enrich your child or family members lifeThere are a variety of music opportunities through UMTC that can be conducted in your homeat our office, or virtually. These services are intended for members of our community of all ages and abilities. Read on to see if there is a service that grabs your attention! 

Private Music Therapy Sessions 

Perhaps you are searching for private music therapy services.  There are many circumstances where music therapy may be an appropriate treatment option outside of the school setting – available for both children and adults. Music therapy may be recommended if the individual is more focused or completes tasks more consistently and successfully when music is used.  Another circumstance would be if music elicits a non-verbal individual to make vocal sounds or attempts to sing songs oif an individual has limited mobility and is moving body parts to the beat of the music.  Maybe your loved one has shown a strength in the area of music and you would like to explore the therapeutic options.  The process to receiving music therapy services outside of school is different for everyone. Don’t hesitate to contact us to see what that process may look like for your child or family member.   

Music Appreciation Class 

Music Appreciation Class is a great way to expose the participant to different types of music, instruments, and activities in a small group setting. The best part is that the structure is totally flexible based on the participant’s interests!  The music class leader wants the participant to be in charge and will create memorable, fun, and stimulating activities for them. Music appreciation is appropriate for all ages and abilities including families, siblings, or small groups. 

Learning Through Music Class 

Learning Through Music Class creates a wonderful engaging environment for individuals of any age to learn new skills or concepts.  No matter what the topic, music can be paired with learning.  The class offers instrument playing, singing, movement, and mnemonics (songs paired with concepts for improving and assisting the memory). The groups range from one to five participants 

Instrumental or Voice Lessons  

Private instrumental or voice lessons are meant to be flexible for any learner! Adaptations can be made for diverse learning styles or those with a non-traditional approach to learning.  If you know someone who has always wanted to learn an instrument or learn to sing, lessons through UMTC may be just right for them. We will ensure the lessons are structured for the participant to reach their maximum potential! 

Where are the classes conducted due to COVID19 

Our classes are offered in-home, in schools and preschools, at our Penfield center, and virtually.  In light of the pandemic, the decision of where to provide the service is dependent on the specific circumstances for everyone. Our therapists and class leaders are using PPE and all mandated safety protocol is being followed 

Funding may be available through your Self-Direction budget. For more information about Self-Direction contact our office.  We welcome all questions about community-based music therapy services and prices? Click below to learn more.  

The Improve Your Mood Playlist

The Improve Your Mood Playlist

Blog Written By Rebecca Szalay  Do you ever notice when you are feeling down that you gravitate towards music that reflects that mood? How about when you’re excited?  Do you change the music if a slow or sad song comes on because you feel happy?  Music has the ability...

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Current Events: Thrive to Survive Workshop

Written by Katie Pistilli, MT-BC   This month, Upstate Music Therapy Center employees Erin Triola, LCAT, MT-BC and Katie Pistilli, MT-BC met a wonderful group of people through the Thrive to Survive support group. Katie and Erin conducted a workshop for Thrive to...

5 Steps to Becoming a Board Certified Music Therapist

5 Steps to Becoming a Board Certified Music Therapist

Has your passion for music and desire to help others have you leaning toward wanting to pursue a career in Music Therapy? Here are 5 the steps you’ll need to take in order to become a Board Certified Music Therapist.

Five Stress Cushions for Children and Teens

Five Stress Cushions for Children and Teens

All children and teens react to life circumstances in different ways. The key ito recognize if a child or teen is showing new or accelerated reactions needing supports put in place.  These supports can be referred to as cushions to stop stress from accelerating into traumatic eventsWith the recent pandemic, stress is one of the top buzz words.  

Some parents report that their child is calmer and doing better since starting school at home during the pandemic and believe their stress would drastically increase if needing to go back. Others report that their child is engaging in new concerning behaviors they have never seen prior to March 2020.  There are also families who are seeing an increased level of anxiety their child has previously been suffering with and attribute this due to the loss of a parent’s job, social isolation from peers, or concern over their family members becoming ill and possibly dying.     

“Our natural response to scary things is biologically to release stress hormones,” said Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician and surgeon general of the state of California, and the author of “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity.”  

The release of stress hormones activates our fight or flight response. Our bodies, in responding with the release of stress hormones, are doing exactly what they should be doing.  The video below is helpful for families to watch.  It can assist them in better understanding stress and the effect on the mind and body.  Gaining knowledge about anxiety is an important first step.  



Younger children may show their stress through suddenly experiencing, temper tantrums, bed-wetting, or separation anxiety. Teens may show their’ s through withdrawing or moodiness.  Music has been proven to be an important tool when individuals are experiencing stress. Music therapists use songs and music with children and teens for processing new information and self-expression.  When working with a child who is experiencing anxiety the therapist observes the way they play the offered instruments, the instruments they choose, the words they say in relation to the lyrics of the song, or the tempo or volume they playWhen working with a teen the therapist is watching body language, song lyrics they write or gravitate to, and the style and mood of the music they request.  Songs can be written using the child or teens suggested words to create a shared experience between the therapist and client.  Bringing the family or a chosen family member into this experience is another way to allow the parent to better understand how their child is feeling.  

In some cases, stressful events can leave a child or teen feeling traumatized, but this can be mitigated with the hope of preventing increased levels of stress and potential trauma.   

         * Watch closely for new behaviors or intensity in behaviors.  Write them down and speak with a professional to gain insight.  

          * Recognize that a child that was not at risk for coping with stress may now show signs and that children who were already at risk and have lost the supports will need to be watched carefully and new supports put in place. 

          * Do not assume that your child or teen is struggling with the changes, as not all will.  Keep an open dialogue and be cautious to limit your conversation about your own personal feelings in the earshot of your child.  Create the time and space where you can work through the challenges you are experiencing with another adult or trained listener.   

          * Create cushions between your child and the stress.  

Below are 5 cushion strategies:  

1) Teach your child that they can be a helper in situations, which creates a feeling of empowerment when otherwise feeling helpless.   

2) Brainstorm creative ways to socialize with others through technology and outdoor spaces. 

3) Provide a structured routine with flexibility for change as needed.  Children crave routine.  In addition, it is a wonderful practice to model how to go with the flow when a planned activity suddenly needs to change.  

4) Engage in exercise.  Physical activity can reduce anxiety and depression, improve mood, boost self-esteem, minimize stress, and enhance cognitive functioning.  Find fun ways to get their bodies moving.   

5) Contact a Music Therapist for consultation or services to create a cushion using music to reduce stress and create a non-threatening avenue for self-expression

Transitioning Back to School

Transitioning Back to School

Music as a Transition Tool for Students 

Blog written by Victoria Moore 

As the school year is rapidly approaching, parents are wondering how their child and family will deal with the many changes that are taking place this school year due to COVID-19. How can I best support my child in this new school environment? What can my family do to help each other with all of the changes that will take place this fall? Where can I find resources for my child and family? There are many questions and uncertainties in this new season. 

Some students will only be attending school a couple of days of the week and receiving online instruction from home for the rest of the week. Other students may only be receiving online instruction at home. On top of the many changes, most students have been out of their school buildings for almost half of the year and outside of their normal school routines for several months. One of the biggest challenges families are facing this fall is adapting to the new structures and routines that come with going back to school. In this blog, we’d love to share with you some ways your family can use music to help your child transition smoothly into the new school year.  

Music and Your Child’s Schedule 

It is known that children are most successful when they have a daily, structured routine they can follow. Before the school year starts, take time to sit down with your child and go over their routine with them. You can use a calendar, planner, and/or visuals to communicate what their new school schedule will look like. This will help relieve some anxiety children may have about all of the changes because they will know what to expect each day.  

To encourage your child to learn their schedule, use music as a memory tool to help them remember daily routines. Use a song with a catchy tune or one of your child’s favorite songs, and change the lyrics to what their new schedule will be. Feel free to write your own song as well! Use multiple songs for each portion of their day (morning routine, school routine, evening routine) if that works best for your child. Take the time to sit down with your child, review their schedule, and write the song together. It can be a fun family activity that will bring joy and comfort to your child before they go back to school! Here is an example from YouTube: 

Social Story Songs 

In addition to new routines, children will also have to adapt to new protocols at school. They may have to stay 6 feet apart from other children, wear their mask all day, have hand-washing breaks, and/or may have to follow other rules depending on what regulations their school has adopted. To help your child understand why the new rules are in place, use social story songs that discuss the new expectations in school so they have a better understanding of why they need to follow the rules.  

Social story songs will not only help bring awareness and understanding to children, but can also bring a sense of comfort and safety. Check out our September Resource page for social story songs that help prepare children to go back to school. 

Music as Calming Tool 

During these uncertain times, children may be experiencing more anxiety especially with the transition back to school. When your child is experiencing symptoms of anxiety, use music as a calming presence. Sit down with your child and create a playlist with them of music that makes them feel calm. Also, click here to check out our blog about music, sleep, and relaxation


Music Therapy Services 

In addition to providing you with tips and resources, we’d love for you to know more about the services we offer. At Upstate Music Therapy Center, we provide services for people of all ages and needs. Learn more about our services by clicking here. 

We hope our tips and resources are helpful to your family! Please message us in the Contact Us tab with any questions.  

Wishing everyone a safe, wonderful school year! 

August Book: Hands to Heart

August Book: Hands to Heart

Blog post written by Kayla Davitt, MT-BC

Song performed and recorded by Jamie Swieringa, MT-BC


Stress. Stress of the unknown, stress of responsibilities. Now more than ever, we find ourselves in a time full of uncertainty. With schools announcing their plans for reopening, these times ahead are sure to be full of anxiety and worry. As adults, we have a better understanding of how to handle the stressors of everyday life. However, young children may not know how to express how they are feeling or how to regulate their bodies to bring them back to a state of calm. But, with Alex Bauermesiter’s book Hands to Heart: Breathe and Bend with Animal Friends, children will be able to relate their emotions with animals in the book and learn how to use yoga poses (demonstrated by the animals in the book) to calm themselves down and relax.


As a music therapy agency, we at UMTC find it extremely important to address the mental health of children through the use of music. One of our therapists, Jamie Swieringa, has written a melody to use along with this book in order to bring in the element of music to assist relaxation.



In order to get the most out of all this book has to offer, here are some suggestions to keep in mind:

Deep breathing

This book focuses a lot on simple yoga poses. However, your child will benefit more from the poses if they pair them with deep breathing. Encourage your child to breath from their belly while keeping their shoulders down. This type of breathing through the diaphragm will force our bodies to slow down and focus.

Adjust the poses as necessary

Most of the yoga poses in this book are straightforward, but some do involve laying on the floor. If your child is unable to lay on the floor for any reason, they can still do the poses! Everyone has different abilities, so it is perfectly acceptable to adjust the poses as necessary in order to help your child be most successful.

Zones of regulation

For those students that are older, you can use this book to identify the different zones of regulation. If you are not familiar with the zones of regulation, click here to learn more. It is a system in which emotions are put into colored categories: red, blue, green, and yellow. Encourage your child to identify how they are feeling, what zone that feeling is in, and what they can do to get themselves back to the “green zone” or a state of calm.

We hope you enjoy using this book in your homeschooling adventures! For more resources and activities to use with your children, please visit our “Resources” tab located at the top of the page.


If you are interested in purchasing Hands to Heart: Breathe and Bend with Animal Friends, click here.


Happy reading!

Emotional Wellbeing in Our Children: What Should We Look For?

Emotional Wellbeing in Our Children: What Should We Look For?

One of our top priorities since the middle of March has been to carefully watch for the emotional wellbeing of our students, and their families once we began remote therapy sessions.  As children were approved by each school district to receive music therapy through a teleconferencing platform, according to their IEP, one of our first priorities was observing for any cues during the teleconferencing session that the student or family were experiencing social-emotional challenges due to the stay at home order.  Since then we have worked diligently to reach families who have been less responsive to explore if there is another level in which we can support them, even if teleconferencing is not an option.  This has included phone calls, emails and sending packets of digital and printed music opportunities for the parent to participate in with their child.  Music has offered the child and family a refreshing escape from some of the day to day challenges they have been experiencing.  Families have at times sought out continuing music therapy over other services for the summer because of the positive effect it has had.

Uncertainty for the Fall

As school district administrations watch for direction from the state governors for guidelines, they are surveying the families.  The intent is to determine what type of school attendance the parents are thinking is best for their children and family circumstances, however, in some cases the preferred choice is not available.  One of the most popular preferred choices that have not been an option on the surveys is reopening schools fully for all students and allowing families to decide if they would like to participate.  Instead, there appear to be hybrid models being proposed combining online learning and school attendance, to spread out the children during bussing and within the facility.  Regardless of what each school district decides they will be offering the students and their families; it has become clear that the anxiety over what the new school year will look like is rising. 

Parents are sharing the following concerns and questions:

  • Will my child be safe if attending school?
  • What are the potential health issues of my child wearing a mask all day in school?
  • My child is showing depression over not being able to go back to school. What should I do?
  • My children are not making progress using remote learning.
  • We have a child with special needs, and she is falling further and further behind. How will she ever catch up?
  • Are pandemic pods a safe way to go to help my child socialize and learn in a group?
  • I need to go back to work however cannot do so unless my children can go back to school fulltime.
  • My son has been experiencing increased anxiety when I am not around, something that we have never observed before.

Parents are wise to watch their children’s reactions to the changes they are experiencing.  Here are some of the symptoms that might be observed:

4 to 7-Year Old

In children ages 4 to 7 years, children tend to express stress through regression and separation anxiety.  They may begin bedwetting or cling to a parent when they attempt to leave the home.  This is where routine comes in. It does not need to be the same routine from Pre-Covid19, it simply needs to be realistic for the current situation. This age group also struggles with social distancing which makes getting together with other children more difficult.  

7-10-Year Old

In the 7 through 10 age group, children can pick up on stress and may become fearful for their own health.  At this age, they are not typically capable of expressing their own emotions.  The parent may see an increase in irritability or crying.  Limiting how much news and adult conversation is conducted about the pandemic around these children is important.  Instead, create opportunities for the child to talk with an adult and ask questions they have about what is going on as well as share how it is impacting their life, including their own health fears.

10-13-Year Old

In ages 10 to 13 years, children tend to struggle with academics. At this age, they work well with structure, which is why they need routine.  They generally have not developed self-regulation at this age which makes schooling with much less instruction and guidance especially challenging.  Parents should focus on the effort of the child and not necessarily the completed tasks.  Providing them with an organized space and helping them create a structure that works best for them is most helpful for children in this age bracket. 

14-17-Year Old

At ages 14 to 17, social distancing can have a devastating effect on them, resulting in an increase in depressive symptoms such as listlessness and lack of motivation.  This age group is heavily impacted by the loss of sporting games, social gatherings like proms, clubs, and other regular or annual events.  They can express their emotions and will do so when feeling safe and supported, so offer those natural times to open the door for honest conversation.  Seek out someone outside of the family if they are not willing to talk to a family member.  Assist your child in finding acceptable online social opportunities like yoga classes, gaming, and Zoom parties with their friends. 

Creating a New Normal

All children can benefit from learned breathing exercises, mindfulness, regular weekly social gatherings online or in a pod, and scheduled weekly family activities that the child enjoys. Creating a new normal for this time is important while watching your children for emotional wellbeing concerns.

If your child is experiencing a difficult time with the many changes COVID-19 has created feel free to scroll down and send us a message in the Contact Us portion.  We have many services including, counseling, creative arts therapy, and music therapy that might be helpful.  









Health Benefits of Drumming

Health Benefits of Drumming

For years we have seen the research that music, singing, playing an instrument, and even listening to specific music can increase the capabilities of the brain. These activities result in the brain being stimulated on both sides an occurrence called hemispheric synchronization.   It is astounding to see brain imaging of a person in the presence of music compared with when they are not.   Look at the image below.  The brain’s reaction to music shows the dramatic increase in areas that are stimulated, accessed, and can be altered by the musical sound & rhythm.

From the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical, our attention is focused away from a negative stimulus to something pleasant and engaging. Music has a huge impact on the brain and our emotions.  Music can alter our breathing and heart rate as well as improve our state of mind.  This helps keep things like depression and anxiety at bay.  Music can reduce the perception of pain and even alter patterns of pain, depression, and disability.  Music occupies the mind with something familiar and soothing.  This creates an environment of comfort and a sense of safety.

As we explore the specific health benefits of drumming, you might be surprised at the vast areas within the brain that drumming can impact.  It has been determined that drumming synchronizes the right and left hemispheres. We have learned that when the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere of your brain begin to pulsate together, your inner guidance system, or intuition, becomes stronger.

Drumming also appears to synchronize the lower areas of the brain (non-verbal) with the frontal cortex (language and reasoning). This integration produces feelings of insight and certainty.  For these reasons, therapeutic drumming may be a powerful tool in helping retrain the brains of people who have some level of damage or impairment.  Those diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), have suffered a stroke, or have a neurological disease such as Parkinson’s are appropriate candidates for therapeutic drumming.

Finally, music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves.  Slow beats create the slow brain waves that are associated with hypnotic or meditative states.  Faster beats may increase more alert and concentrated thinking.  When Beta waves used for concentration change to Alpha waves your body and mind will begin to calm and feel more relaxed.  This may be helpful to individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.

Professional drummer Alex Rüdinger has faced and battled depression. Drumming has been an integral part of his recovery.  His story is quite powerful and worth the read. https://audient.com/2019/04/02/rudi_drums/

What about those who are not professional drummers? Can drumming be helpful to untrained musicians?  There have been some comprehensive studies done with individuals suffering from anxiety and depression who have no musical training that has shown very nice results.

The study, Effects of Group Drumming Interventions on Anxiety, Depression, Social Resilience and Inflammatory Immune Response (2016), explored whether a music-making intervention, specifically group drumming, could improve mental health over several weeks. Additionally, in order to ascertain the physiological effects of drumming, the study explored whether psychological responses were found in parallel with a reduction in pro-inflammatory response.

Their hypothesis was that across ten-weeks of group drumming there would be a decrease in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and improvements in social resilience and mental wellbeing.  It was determined that ten weeks or more of group drumming for 90 minutes each session did decrease anxiety and depression as opposed to the control group who did not receive group drumming.  In addition, they were thrilled to document that these participants also maintained decreased levels of anxiety and depression at the 3-month follow-up.

Considering the many health benefits of drumming it is an excellent option for those experiencing mental health challenges.  Are you interested in getting involved in a group this Fall? Send us a message by using our Contact Us link.  We would love to speak with you more.

Works Cited

Fancourt, D., Perkins, R., Ascenso, S., Carvalho, L. A., Steptoe, A., & Williamon, A. (2016). Effects of group drumming interventions on anxiety, depression, social resilience and inflammatory immune response among mental health service users. PloS one11(3), e0151136.